Micronized Chrome Oxide Green

Physical & Chemical Property
Chrome Oxide Green is also named as Chromium Sesquioxide or Chrome Oxide, molecular weight 151.99, belongs to hexagonal crystal system, green powder, density 5.21g/cm3, Mohs hardness 8.5-9, insoluble in water, acid and organic solvent, slightly insoluble in sodium hydroxide solution, easily insoluble in hot sodium bromated, perchloric acid solution or boiling sulfur phosphorous mixed acid solution. It is featured by excellent weather resistance, heat resistance, insolation resistance, stable when heated, strong covering strength, melting point 2266℃, boiling point 4000 ℃, it is also characterized by metallic gloss, magnetic, excellent quality and firmness.
Product Applications
Micro-scale Chrome Oxide Green is broadly applied to universal coatings, ceramic, enamel, inkjet printing, wax preparation, colored cement, colored bricks, building materials, epoxy flooring materials, flame resistant materials, metallic polishing materials, grinding materials and composite materials.
Contact Us
No.77, western of Renmin West Road, Hengshui City, Hebei Province, China P.C.: 053011
+86-318-5218128 2045618 2049911